M1B 10
Metal display unit without footboard made up of 10 tilted sliding frames to set up 10 panels 101,5×101,5×1 cm. Wooden cover frames on demand.M1B10 120
Metal display unit without footboard made up of 10 tilted sliding frames to set up 10 panels 121x121x1 cm. Wooden / metal cover frames on demand.M1B 20
Metal display unit without footboard made up of 20 tilted sliding frames to set up 20 panels 101,5×101,5×1 cm. Wooden cover frames on demand.M1B20 120
Metal display unit without footboard made up of 20 tilted sliding frames to set up 20 panels 121x121x1 cm. Wooden / metal cover frames on demand.M6
Metal display unit made up of 3 extractable two-side frames to set up 6 panels 201,5×100,5×1,4 cm. Wooden finishing on demand.PIVOT 6
Metal display unit made up of 3 extractable and rotating frames to set up 6 panels 201,5×100,5×1,4 cm. available with MDF side closures and handle with product ?preview?.PIVOT 10
Metal display unit made up of 5 extractable and rotating frames to set up 10 panels 201,5×100,5×1,4 cm. available with MDF side closures and handle with product ?preview?.MX 14 80×80
Metal display unit with extra-flat footboard and without top made up of 12 sliding and 2 fixed frames to set up 42 products 80×80 cm. Thickness up to 11cmPIVOT 20
Metal display unit made up of 10 extractable and rotating frames to set up 20 panels 201,5×100,5×1,4 cm. available with MDF side closures and handle with product ?preview?.MX 14 120×120
Metal display unit with extra-flat footboard and without top made up of 12 sliding and 2 fixed frames to set up 28 products 120×120 cm. thickness up to 11 mm.P10
Modular display unit. First module made up of a self-bearing structure and 10 extractable vertical 45° oblique to set up 10 panels dim. 201,5×100,5×1,4cm. additional modules made up of 10 frames to set up 10 panels dim. 201,5×100,5×1,4cm to be added to the first module.MX27
Metal display unit with extra-flat footboard, made up of 24 sliding frames and 3 fixed rear frames to set up 27 panels 201,5×100,5×1,4 cm. Also available for pannels 241×100,5×1,4 cm.M12
Metal display unit made up of 6 extractable two-side frames to set up 12 panels 201,5×100,5×1,4 cm. Wooden finishing on demand.